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Week 24 of pregnancy – what changes take place in the baby’s body?


5 min. Reading time

The 24th week of pregnancy is almost the end of the second trimester. In the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby's movements are already strongly felt and it happens that individual kicks hurt the future mother. The baby in the womb begins to live according to an activity schedule that will be similar to its rhythm after birth.

The 24th week of pregnancy is the second trimester, or 6th month. With only 3 months to go until birth, parents should start preparing to welcome their baby into the world. In the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby’s weight is about half a kilogram. The baby already weighs as much as half a packet of sugar, so it is starting to become a hard to feel burden for the mother. In the 24th week of pregnancy, the belly is rounded and the navel starts to become flat. This is because the growing baby pushes the skin outwards, which stretches as a result.

Changes in the woman’s body in the 24th week of pregnancy

In the 24th week of pregnancy, the mother’s weight should not be more than about 8 kilograms above her starting weight. If you gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, you risk not only a difficult birth, the development of high blood pressure and gestational diabetes, but also that it will be more difficult to regain your initial weight. At this point, a dark line (linea negra) becomes visible running through the middle of the pregnant woman’s abdomen. This is due to the high level of skin pigment, melanin, and should not be a cause for concern as this is the most natural process.

In the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby gains a lot of weight and the uterus becomes narrower. The expectant mother begins to experience shortness of breath and finds it increasingly difficult to catch her breath. The baby begins to put pressure on the diaphragm, so it is a good idea to get more rest. Similarly, heartburn accompanies a woman more and more often. For this reason, it is recommended to drink plenty of water or peppermint tea. At this time, however, the nausea and vomiting associated with the first trimester pass, which significantly improves the mood of the future mother. 

During the 24th week of the baby’s life, the mother should have a blood sugar test. Towards the end of the second trimester, the baby is big enough to put pressure on the organs and nerves and starts to move more intensively. This is why a woman may experience back pain (which unfortunately gets worse in the third trimester). Constipation and problems with constant urination are also not uncommon. At this point, it is worth talking to more experienced mothers who have already had to deal with similar problems. Besides, all complaints are forgotten as soon as the baby is born. 

For occasional rhinitis, which can be accompanied by bleeding, it is advisable to use a humidifier or sprays, e.g. with sea water, which moisten the mucous membrane and are safe to use.

Changes in the baby in the 24th week of pregnancy

In the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby slowly produces the so-called surfactant, a surface agent in the lungs that is supposed to prevent the alveoli from sticking together when breathing in and out. The baby continues to get oxygen from the mother’s placenta, but its lungs are getting stronger every day – so the young body begins to prepare for birth and independent breathing. 

In the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby’s movements are stronger due to its increasingly powerful muscles, so that the little one can make all kinds of movements, which is of course felt by the mother. Until the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby’s eyelids are normally closed, only towards the end of the second trimester do they begin to open. The baby perfectly recognises the voices of its parents and those close to it, so it can respond to them more emotionally.

In the 24th week of life, the organism of the foetus begins to produce leucocytes, i.e. white blood cells, which slightly increases its immunity. The blood vessels also develop slowly. Although the baby’s weight is already considerable in the 24th week of pregnancy, its length in the embryonic position is about 20 centimetres.

To prevent painful leg cramps and back problems, pregnant women should not forgo regular stretching exercises, frequent walks in the fresh air or light gymnastics, which should be adapted to the needs of the pregnant woman. It is worthwhile to make use of special courses for expectant mothers, which are offered e.g. in fitness clubs, as long as they are led by a trained person.

Delivery in the 24th week of pregnancy

A baby born in the 24th week of pregnancy is not yet fully independent and prepared for life outside the womb and needs special help and equipment (e.g. an incubator). Firstly, the baby is not yet able to breathe on its own. Secondly, its digestive system is also not fully developed. The same applies to thermoregulation – premature babies would not be able to maintain the right body temperature. Statistical data confirms that doctors are able to help a premature baby if it weighs at least 500 grams.


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