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The 18th week of pregnancy – waiting for the first movements of the baby.


4 min. Reading time

The 18th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 5th month, almost half. During this period, the future mother eagerly awaits the first movements of the baby. Of course, it makes them for a long time, but the slowly decreasing space in the uterus makes them noticeable.

In pregnancy, the 18th week is the time when the future mother should take care of her health, especially the spine and the prevention of edema. Activities such as swimming, special massages or pregnancy gymnastics are a good option at this stage.

The 18th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

Week 18 is almost halfway through your pregnancy. Now begins the 5th month, when your baby continues to grow very quickly. You can slowly expect to learn the sex of your baby, although your doctor can make a definitive assessment around week 19-20, when the fetus has fully developed its genital organs.

The fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy

The belly in the 18th week of pregnancy becomes more and more visible. The woman still manages to hide it under loose clothing, but soon this will no longer be possible. The baby’s weight is now about 190 g and its length is 14 cm.The belly in the 18th week of pregnancy becomes more and more visible. The woman still manages to hide it under loose clothing, but soon this will no longer be possible. The baby’s weight is now about 190 g and its length is 14 cm.The belly in the 18th week of pregnancy becomes more and more visible. The woman still manages to hide it under loose clothing, but soon this will no longer be possible. The baby’s weight is now about 190 g and its length is 14 cm.At this stage, there is less and less space in the uterus, so the expectant mother begins to feel the baby’s movements. These, in turn, become more intense: the baby begins to kick and practice tricks. It also becomes more sensitive to the pressure of fetal water. It can show its dissatisfaction with too much pressure (e.g. from mom’s clothes) by kicking.

Development of the baby in the 18th week of pregnancy

In the 18th week of pregnancy, your baby’s senses are developing more and more. His body is also developing rapidly. It is covered by a special fetal ointment, which has a protective function, and by fetal mucus (lanugo). Fat is deposited (still quite slowly) under the skin. The baby’s skin is still transparent. The hands and feet are formed. Fingerprints appear on the toes. During an ultrasound examination at the 18th week of pregnancy, you can see the baby making faces. His brain develops very dynamically. At the beginning of the 5th month, the so-called fatty sheath (myelin) forms around the nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. It will continue to form until he is one year old. It enables the transmission of nerve impulses, which translates into intelligence and faster flow of information in the child’s brain. In the digestive system, the pancreas and liver begin to work, meconium is formed – the first feces that proves the work of the intestine. 

The heart of the child is already developed enough to detect possible defects, which is especially important because modern medicine can eliminate a large part of them during pregnancy. An intrauterine correction can be, for example, aortic valve stenosis. Thanks to prenatal diagnosis and treatment, the number of later heart problems can be significantly reduced.

Wellbeing in the 18th week of pregnancy

Week 18 is the time when the future mother should slowly think about buying maternity clothes. As the belly continues to grow, the pregnant woman begins to feel discomfort in the spine. Therefore, she should rest as much as possible in a lying and semi-lying position while doing a lot of walking, swimming or strengthening and stretching exercises. As the uterus rises higher and presses on the stomach, the woman may have problems with heartburn. Therefore, this is the last call to avoid strong coffee, tea, fried foods, sweets and carbonated drinks. During this time, the pH of the vagina may change and different types of discharge may occur. It is all the more important to pay attention to the highest level of hygiene.



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