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Duphaston in pregnancy – indications and effects of the medicinal product


7 min. Reading time

Duphaston is a medicine containing a synthetic hormone similar to progesterone. Indications for its administration include painful periods, irregular cycles or endometriosis. In most cases, however, the drug is administered to maintain pregnancy when a woman's body does not produce enough progesterone and she is diagnosed with a miscarriage. Learn how Duphaston works and whether taking this medicine during pregnancy is completely safe for the expectant mother and the baby.

Duphaston – what kind of drug is it and how does it work?

The medicine Duphaston contains the active substance dydrogesterone. It is a synthetic steroid hormone that corresponds to natural progesterone. By taking the medicine in the right dose, the female hormone can be replenished and hormonal balance restored.

Duphaston is a medicine available only on prescription. Only your doctor can decide on the intake and dosage. With this hormone replacement therapy, the treatment is always individually tailored to the needs of the patient and the identified health problem.

When is Duphaston used?

The use of Duphaston during pregnancy or as part of the treatment of various health problems is always individual. The prescribed doses are taken orally; Duphaston is a film-coated tablet. It is worth noting that the indications for the use of Duphaston are broad, considering the branch of medicine that is gynaecological pharmacology.

As a rule, Duphaston is not taken during the entire cycle, whereas in the case of multidirectional effect, Duphaston can be taken continuously. Learn when a progesterone deficiency should be compensated by taking dydrogesterone. Duphaston is most commonly used when the patient is diagnosed with:

  • Endometriosis
  • Menstrual disorders and abnormal bleeding
  • premenstrual syndrome
  • painful periods
  • Menopause and the associated discomfort of the patient

Importantly, the drug Duphaston can also be used as part of the treatment of infertility when a woman is diagnosed with low progesterone. In this situation, it is very difficult to get pregnant or maintain a pregnancy, and the problems are caused by luteal insufficiency.

The medicine Duphaston, which contains dydrogesterone, is also given to patients who are already pregnant when there is a risk of premature birth or threatened miscarriage (both threatened and common miscarriages).


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Duphaston during pregnancy: directions for use

Up to the 18th week of pregnancy, a woman’s body should naturally produce an increased amount of progesterone, which influences the maintenance of pregnancy. If the level is too low, hormone replacement therapy is given with Duphaston. This medication is designed to help maintain the pregnancy until the placenta has formed.

Duphaston is used during pregnancy:

  • to minimise the risk of miscarriage
  • If the pregnant woman is diagnosed with uterine contractions that can lead to preterm labour.

Use of Duphaston during pregnancy

Duphaston is completely safe and can be used during pregnancy without the risk of miscarriage or unpleasant health consequences for the mother and the developing foetus. Duphaston is an alternative to natural progesterone and does not interfere with pregnancy; on the contrary, in many cases it helps to maintain it.

Dosage of Duphaston in pregnancy and beyond

The dosage of Duphaston can only be determined by the doctor, taking into account the patient’s state of health and the diagnosed problem that the synthetic progesterone is intended to combat. When taking Duphaston during pregnancy, it should be noted that the maximum concentration of dydrogesterone may be completely different from that used in the treatment of endometriosis, infertility or menstrual disorders. It is recommended to always take Duphaston at the same time so that the body gets used to taking the medicine regularly and to the stable concentration of dydrogesterone.

Here you can find out the standard dosage of Duphaston for the most common reasons for using this medicine:

  • Duphaston is most commonly taken during pregnancy by women in the first trimester, i.e. until the end of the twelfth week of pregnancy. The drug is intended to prevent miscarriages. It is generally taken daily in a dose of two 10 mg tablets per day.
  • Duphaston for irregular periods is taken in the second half of the cycle until the 1st day of the new cycle. In most cases, it is recommended to take 1 10 mg film-coated tablet per day.
  • Duphaston for the treatment of endometriosis is generally taken between the 5th and 25th day of the cycle in an amount of 1-3 film-coated tablets per day.

Contraindications to taking Duphaston

Dydrogesterone may cause sensitisation, which is an important contraindication to the use of this medicine. Other contraindications are:

  • Cancer whose development can be influenced by progesterone levels
  • Bleeding in the genital tract of unclear cause

Special care should be taken when using Duphaston if you have or have had cardiovascular disease.

What side effects can Duphaston have?

Most patients tolerate taking the medicine in the form of coated Duphaston tablets well. However, synthetic progesterone in this form can promote the development of diseases:

  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Drowsiness and excessive tiredness in the first hours after taking Duphaston. It is recommended that the patient should not drive alone during this time.

What other side effects are possible when taking Duphaston for pregnant women? Slight spotting or bleeding from the genital area can be a cause for concern, but are usually completely harmless and usually subside on their own within three months.

If the side effects persist for a prolonged period of time or the patient notices an increase, she should consult her GP. Although no overdose of Duphaston has been reported, excess progesterone in this form can effectively reduce the comfort of daily functioning.

Duphaston and breastfeeding

Taking into account the health and development of the naturally nourished child, no adverse effects have been confirmed for Duphaston. It is not known whether dydrogesterone passes into the milk after oral administration. During breastfeeding, the use of Duphaston should always be discussed with a doctor.

Duphaston in pregnancy – possible interactions with other medicines

Women planning to take hormone replacement therapy with Duphaston should inform their doctor about other medicines if they are taking any. It seems that the combination of certain medicines with Duphaston may be associated with serious complications and side effects, such as bleeding in the genital area.

What medicines should dydrogesterone therapy not be combined with? These include:

  • Anticonvulsants like phenytoin
  • antiviral drugs, e.g. ritonavir
  • antimicrobial drugs, including nevirapine
  • oestrogenic medicinal products
  • Herbal preparations containing sage, St. John’s wort or ginkgo in their composition.

Duphaston and alcohol consumption – is it safe?

The doctor categorically forbids the combination of the drug with alcohol. Such a mixture can increase the occurrence of side effects. This prohibition applies especially to pregnant women, for whom Duphaston helps to maintain the pregnancy, minimise the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.


What is Duphaston and what is it used for?

The formulation of Duphaston contains dydrogesterone, a synthetic steroid hormone that compensates for progesterone deficiencies. In gynaecological pharmacotherapy, Duphaston is used to treat endometriosis, to relieve menopause or irregular and painful periods. In pregnancy, Duphaston prevents miscarriages and replaces natural progesterone to prevent premature births.

How does Duphaston work during pregnancy?

Duphaston in pregnancy supplements progesterone deficiency. The composition of the drug includes dydrogesterone, a synthetic steroid hormone. The drug is most commonly used to minimise the risk of threatened and common miscarriage, Duphaston also prevents premature birth.

What side effects can Duphaston have?

Duphaston is a safe hormone preparation that does not cause any negative side effects in most cases, even in pregnant women. No overdose of Duphaston has been reported either. The drug may in some cases aggravate headaches and nausea and cause spotting in the genital area, which usually resolves spontaneously.



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