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Symptoms and treatment of cystitis in pregnancy


3 min. Reading time

Cystitis during pregnancy is one of the most common diseases that affect future mothers. In most cases it is caused by a bacterial infection, so it should not be underestimated, as the complications are dangerous for the developing child.

During pregnancy, a woman is particularly susceptible to urinary tract infections. This is due to the effect of hormones on the urethra. Bladder infection during pregnancy must necessarily be treated under medical supervision. To relieve unpleasant discomfort, it is also worthwhile to use effective home remedies.

Cystitis during pregnancy – symptoms

Symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy may or may not be very bothersome, and the infection is accidentally discovered during a routine general urine test that every pregnant woman should have once a month. Symptoms that indicate that a urinary tract infection has occurred (dysuric symptoms) are the most common:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Frequent passing of urine in small quantities
  • Burning and stabbing pain in the urethra
  • Constant, painful urge to urinate
  • Problems with urinary incontinence
  • Subfebrile condition or fever
  • Blood or purulent discharge in the urine (straw-like, pink or red in color)

In the case of asymptomatic cystitis during pregnancy, a general examination and a urine culture repeated after 24 hours will reveal numerous bacteria of the same strain.

Cystitis during pregnancy – Causes

The urethra of the woman is short, wide and close to the vagina and rectum. Sudden changes that occur in the pregnant organism predispose to greater susceptibility to urinary tract infections. Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, the urethra and IUD lose muscle tension and expand, which facilitates the penetration of pathogens into the body. The increasingly larger uterus presses against the bladder. For this reason, the bladder stagnates and microorganisms multiply in the bladder. As a result, cystitis develops during pregnancy.

Most urinary tract infections are caused by bacterial infections caused by E.coli or staphylococci. The factors that cause the development and recurrence of cystitis during pregnancy are.

  • Reduced immunity
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Anatomical defects of the urinary system
  • Kidney stones
  • Frequent sexual intercourse
  • Inadequate intimate hygiene
  • Little exercise

Bladder infections in the first days of pregnancy often occur due to increased susceptibility to infection caused by a sudden change in blood hormone levels. It is considered by some women to be one of the first symptoms of fertilization. It is necessary to see a doctor and inform him about early pregnancy so that he can use antibiotics that will not endanger the fetus.


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Cystitis during pregnancy – treatment

Pregnancy-related cystitis requires absolute treatment under the control of the physician managing the pregnancy. For diagnostic purposes, a general examination and urine culture are performed along with an antibiogram. This determines the nature of the bacteria and their susceptibility to certain groups of antibiotics, which allows the selection of more effective pharmacological agents for therapy. The doctor may also have ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity with special attention to the kidneys.

Medications for cystitis during pregnancy are usually antibiotics in oral form. In early pregnancy, you should always inform your doctor about this fact. Not all pharmacological agents can be used by a pregnant woman because they have a harmful effect on the developing fetus. The treatment lasts about 7 days. After finishing it is necessary to repeat the urine tests.

Cystitis during pregnancy – complications

Complications of bladder infection during pregnancy are dangerous for a pregnant woman and for the developing fetus. A woman most often develops pyelonephritis, which is characterized by severe pain in the loins, fever, and vomiting. This is the most serious disease of the urinary tract that leads to chronic kidney failure.

Untreated cystitis during pregnancy (especially in the third trimester) can lead to premature birth and low birth weight. In earlier stages, urinary tract infections are the cause of miscarriages.



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